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piątek, 29 lipca 2011

Ready for NATO and EU?

Time keeps moving and President Saakashvili still wants Georgia to join European organizations. Georgia making all new preparations, changing rights, introducing new rules and getting more and more stable is closer to become a member of European Union and NATO. Both organizations are really important for the country. First one - EU, can guarantee a stable economics and improving a lot in the field of business. And NATO may have a key role in Georgian-Russian relationship. Georgia as a supposed member of NATO, will not be fear of any Russian acts on the border(5th article of NATO says that if the army enter the NATO's land, then other members are to help an ally).

He did it?

As New York Times published, it is suggested that probably the Russian officer of the secret service Jewgienij Borisow was responsible for series of explosions in Tbilisi in 2010. One of explosions happened near the American embassy, but an American officer taking secret informations into considerations claims that it was not an attack for American institution but it involved Georgian-Russian dispute. Anyway Borisow is wanted by Interpol because of his acting.

Poland focused on Georgian success

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski currently visiting Georgia said that he is going to do his best to improve Georgian relations among European trade market. He is full of hope to join Georgia to the Free Trade Area till the end  of the year. Moreover he would like to create conditions for a good Georgian-Polish cooperation at the field of business. Also President Komorowski said that Poland is gonna concentrate on Georgian integration with European organizations like NATO and EU.